Payments account
Find out how a payments account works and how to open one at Moneycorp.

What is Moneycorp's payment account?
It is a type of account that allows you to make payments, make transfers and convert currencies using online access, or speaking directly to the payment team.

Why open a payment account?
With the payments account you can convert your dollar balance into other currencies, make transfers, and payments. Opening your account is a quick, simple, and secure process. After you submit the documentation, your account will be open in just 1 day. * You will have the benefits of an international account, with service via Moneycorp Brasil, in the options Portuguese or English. We have been operating the product for over 10 years now and have expertise in the Brazilian and international markets.

How can I operate the payment account?
After opening the account, you will receive in the email informed the data to create the user name and password for online access to your account. In addition, the payment team can perform all permitted actions online, and they will be your support in whatever you need. It is important to remember that the exchange rate is closed via the trading desk. The account is eligible for individuals ** or legal entities ** and does not offer a debit or prepaid card.

Can I keep balance in the payment account?
The payment account does not offer yield on the amount invested, but it is possible to keep a balance for up to 1 year, buying dollars at the time you think is most appropriate. If necessary or desired, you can repatriate the amount available in your payment account. In this type of operation, IOF is levied.
Contact a Moneycorp specialist and open your payments account today.
Expert team focused on meeting your needs.
Telephone service and WhatsApp®.
Competitive exchange rates.
Authorized by the Brazilian Central Bank.