Foreign Investment in Brazil
Foreign Capital in the Country and the Foreign Exchange Market.

What is foreign capital?
2 minute readForeign capital is considered to be goods, machinery, and equipment entered in Brazil, in addition to monetary resources brought to Brazil for investment in economic activities; belonging to resident individuals; or legal entities domiciled or headquartered abroad.
How is foreign capital registered?
The registration must be made by the Central Bank - SISBACEN - Module RDE-IED (Electronic Declaratory Registration - Foreign Direct Investment).
How does foreign exchange closing work for foreign investment?
The closing of the exchange is subject to the existence of the number under which the foreign investor and the receiving company are registered with the RDE-IED System.
How does foreign investment work in B3?
To be able to invest in the Brazilian Stock Exchange, or B3, foreign investors must obtain a registration with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).
What is CNPJ investor?
The CNPJ legal entity foreign investor, also known as the National Register of Legal Entities, is a registration number that serves to identify a foreign company that operates in Brazil. The enrollment with the CNPJ will occur automatically with the registration with the Foreign Investor Registry.
What is RDE-ROF?
RDE-ROF stands for Electronic Declaratory Registry of Financial Operations. It must be used to register foreign capital in the form of Financial Operations, that is, in any external credit process granted to individuals or companies in Brazil. It should also be used for operational leasing, rent, charter, and intellectual property rights, known as royalties.
What is RDE-IED?
The RDE-IED corresponds to the Electronic Declaratory Registry - Foreign Direct Investment and is mandatory with the Central Bank for the registration of foreign direct investments in companies domiciled in Brazil. For the characterization of direct investment, is taken into account the intention to remain in the country, and acquisition outside the markets and stock exchange.
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Note: This content is not intended as advice or any form of investment. Merely informative content.