Bill of Lading
Know the details of this bill of lading document.

What is Bill of Lading (BL or B/L)?
2 minute readBill of Lading (BL or B/L) is a bill of lading. It is the main document for import or export by sea transport. It works as a transport contract between the shipper and the carrier; as a receipt for the delivery of the product to the company responsible for transport; and, finally, as the document for the pick up of the goods from the carrier's.
Bill of Lading types:
Port to Port: Considered the most ordinary, this type of document guarantees a space booking on the ship, and covers the transportation of cargo only on the sea route, that is, from the port of embarkation to the destination.
Bill of Lading Charter Party: When the entire ship charter contract occurs. It usually refers to a single cargo or one of the only cargoes on the ship.
Multimodal or Through Bill of Lading: Hiring transport for the goods covering the total route, point to point. This type of contract is not executed in Brazil.
And what are Master BL and House BL?
A Master B / L is issued when an importer does not have enough cargo to fill a container and, to reduce freight costs, the carrier issues a generic bill of lading with goods addressed to different importers.
House BL or daughters are the separate cargoes that, when added together, make up the Master BL.
Information that must be included in the BL:
Complete information of the importer and exporter;
The full names and addresses of the shipper and consignee;
Boarding place and destination;
Description, quantity, weight, and volume of the goods;
Freight information, with the statement that it is paid (prepaid) or payable (collect).
Bill of Lading and exchange
To carry out your exchange process, the Bill of Lading or BL is the main document for the process. When speaking with your moneycorp specialist, he will ask for this document and any others that are required.
Count on moneycorp for the entire exchange process for mergers or acquisitions. Get in touch with our experts.
Note: This content is not intended as advice or any form of investment. Merely informative content.